
| Registration | 美福飯店2樓主廳 Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei 2F Ballroom
| Opening remarks and keynote speeches | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom
| Session I: Economic and Trade Collaboration: Forging Resilient Supply Chains | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom
| Break
| Session II: Talent Exchange: Fulfilling and Empowering Potential | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom
| Luncheon (invitation only) | 9樓鴻福廳、萬福廳 9F Hongfu Hall、Wanfu Hall
| Session III: Resource Sharing: From Soft Power to Competitive Advantage | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom
| Break
| Session IV: Regional Connectivity: Climate Change, Technology, and New Challenges | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom
| Dinner (invitation only) | 9樓鴻福廳、萬福廳 9F Hongfu Hall、Wanfu Hall
| Registration | 美福飯店2樓主廳 Grand Mayfull Hotel Taipei 2F Ballroom
| Session V: Prospect Asia Roundtable: Start a New Blueprint for Asian Development | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom
| Break
| Session VI: International Collaboration between Policy Communities | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom
| Luncheon (invitation only) | 9樓鴻福廳、萬福廳 9F Hongfu Hall、Wanfu Hall
| Session VII: Creating Mutual Social Prosperity with Civil Society | 2樓主廳 2F Ballroom